frequently and not frequently asked questions

Unfortunately we do not know exactly, however we have some assumptions. It might turn out from the stories later.

About this question we know even less. It is a question whether they are going somewhere at all...

His type can be defined exactly. Ancient documents write about a big vagabond bird called Arcanum Magnumaven. Later we learned that it was the same as the Big Bird in our stories. It might be the descendant of the dodo but this is much more lively than that. We know this raises even more question and yeah, we really enjoy the situation.

This is a simple one: it is absolutely impossible to draw their faces.

They appeared in the garden on a nice, calm morning and it was impossible not to invite them for a good coffee.

Of course, they are imagined. That is what makes them so real.

First thing is to realize how lucky you are because not a lot of people are able to see the Arcanum Magnumaven and his best friend. No matter how strange and interesting they are, a lot of people just pass them. So, feel blessed, invite them for a coffee and let them speak about their incredible stories.

It is from a Japanese word, meaning "big chicken". We think it was chosen by the Bird himself because he did not like that the name "Arcanum Magnumaven" is so long when introducing himself. Now he faces troubles when he wants to spell his name in the libraries.

He likes books which are very popular, for example The Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter (all volumes), Foundation by Asimov, The Neverending Story and of course he really likes the book titled The life and work method of the Stakhanovite concrete worker, Lajos Karacs, a masterpiece.

No :D Of course he can! He has learned all the letters since then.